Is CSA right for you QUIZ Is CSA right for you? Is a relationship with an actual farmer important to you? A) oh heck yes! B) I like to know where my food is coming from, but a relationship is not necessary C) No, I’m not interested Do you value eating high-quality and fresh-tasting veggies? A) Yes, quality veggies are very important to me B) Maybe not quite as much as dollar value does C) Do more expensive veggies actually taste better? Is the weekly dollar value of the box the most important thing for your decision? A) I ultimately want the freshest, highest quality of produce regardless of cost B) Value is important, but not necessarily a deal-breaker C) I am on a tight budget and I need to make my dollars stretch as far as possible Are you willing to eat the CSA way? A) Yes, I am up for the adventure! B) I’m open to getting my toes wet C) Not sure I’m into it Are you willing to try new foods? (like kohlrabi, bok choy, ground cherries) A) Yes, I’m willing to dive in and learn new things, knowing that I will make mistakes along the way B) I’m not 100% sure what this involves, but am willing to give it a go! C) I’m a picky eater and I don’t like to try new veggies If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit